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About Me
I am Takoda, a shamanic practitioner. Born in a spiritual family, I always felt the call from the Divine Mother to be her servant and walk the path of devotion and healing. However, I ignored it at the beginning and traveled around the world searching for something that was already inside me - Truth. I traveled in the Himalayas, stayed in monasteries, lived with the Chippewa Native American tribe admiring their rich culture and practices. The Natives gave me a name 'Ninandawenjige Waawaashkeshiinh' meaning 'watching for deer'
Finally, I couldn't ignore the call anymore after undergoing deep extended periods of trance with the plant medicine in Peru. I am committed to walk the Shamanic healing path and it is my honor to share this with you in the healing sessions to come. I also enjoy creating medicine music.
Healing that I perform is mostly based on the Peruvian traditions combined with Indian techniques. Intuitively I will work with you to shift the energy that is present within you at this point in your life. The healing is both powerful and nurturing. Each session would last around 1 hr to 1.5 hrs. I use Mantras and Icaros during the healing, these will invoke the healing spirits that assist me in the session. I use sage for cleansing the aura, essential oils, Shakkapa (dried leaves), chime bell, Mesa (Medicine bag), crystals, and of course a rattle. If you are allergic to any of these or have any questions please feel free to let me know in advance
The healing is heavily influenced by the below!
Medicine wheel training with Maestra Skie Hummingbird
Shamanic training in Peruvian jungle with Don Havia
Mother Ayahuasca's teaching from plant spirit medicine ceremonies
Pranic Healing training in India
Vipassana training from Master Goenka
Gayatri Devi's devotional influence